Business draw

Frequently Asked Questions

We know the carbon accounting world can be daunting, so we have prepared a few answers to help you understand better.
If you cannot find your question, please send us a message.

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About the CC PlatformAbout Carbon Accounting

About the ClimateClever App

Do you offer a free trial?

We do offer a limited free tier, but if you want to experience all of our features you can book a demo and one of our team members will be happy to show you around the platform.

What should I do first?

The best practice is always to reduce emissions at its source first using:
- Measure section to add your emissions
- Track to see what are your bigger emissions in
- Action section to create informed actions to reduce!
- Lastly, you can offset the remaining of your emissions.

Why do I have to set a baseline year?

Baseline year is the reference year you choose and compare all your reductions and targets against. Have to keep in mind that emission targets are very sensitive to the baseline year chosen (when the baseline year incurred abnormally high emissions then the reductions become too easy to achieve and vice versa), so please consider the choice carefully. SBTi Net Zero- The base year must be no earlier than 2015.

What to do when we are using hire cars and we get a different model & make every time?

In this case it is fine to have a look at what type of car usually is leased and use that as a generic car type. However, in case also 4 wheel drives or other less fuel efficient cars are used, then we would recommend using two different hire car types. 

What methodologies do we use?

We rely on official, publicly available emission factors from sources such as the National Greenhouse Accounts Factors, Victoria EPA, UK Government GHG reporting conversion factors, Australian Government Green Vehicle Guide, Bureau of Meteorology, and Cornell Hotel Sustainability Benchmarking. ClimateClever strives to use the latest available local emission factors and updates them at least annually.

How do I create an account?

To create an account you can either book a demo so we can discuss your unique situation and point you to the most appropriate plan or you can sign up directly through this link.

Can I have more than one location?

Absolutely. We offer multiple sites depending of the plan you are in. Book a demo to learn which one suits your organisation better.

What emission types do you track?

We currently track electricity, gas, water, lpg, waste, transport, flights, accommodation and paper, but we are adding new emissions constantly. If you need any custom emissions, you can book an appointment with our carbon accountant and we will help you.

What is the first step towards reaching net zero?

The first step is to start measuring and tracking your emissions, and then create a strategy to reduce your carbon footprint.

What is the first step in measuring your carbon footprint?

The first step would be to identify the boundary and emission sources you are responsible for. The most used method would be to use an operational control method where you are identifying the assets & emission sources under your operational control- e.g. your business is in control of the operation, health and safety or/& environmental policies at the site.


About Carbon Accounting

What does carbon neutrality mean?

Carbon neutral means reducing emissions where possible (e.g. through energy efficiency, use of renewables) and compensating for the remainder by investing in carbon offset projects to achieve zero carbon emissions on the carbon account annually.

What are the main steps to reach carbon neutrality?

- Identify the boundary of the company and the emissions included.
- Measure the greenhouse gas emissions generated by your activity, such as electricity, gas usage and work related travel.
- Reduce these emissions as much as possible by investing in new technology or changing your behaviors.
- Offset any remaining emissions by purchasing carbon offset units.

How long does it take to reach carbon neutrality?

You can technically become carbon neutral once you’ve accurately measured and offset your business’ annual carbon footprint. However, we really encourage you to reduce their footprint as much as possible before offsetting.

What is carbon negative?

Carbon negative is also called as climate positive. This means more CO2 is removed or sequestered than is emitted. You would need to reduce your absolute emissions and offset or remove more than the remaining amount.You can be carbon negative before Net Zero.

How long does it take to reach carbon neutrality?

You would technically have reached carbon neutrality once you have managed to measure/determine your business’ annual carbon footprint and offset it.

What is scope 1, 2 and 3?

Scope 1- Covers the direct emissions from sources the organisation owns or controls, like company vehicles or gas boilers.
Scope 2- Covers the direct emissions from bought energy, main example would be the purchased electricity from the grid.
Scope 3- Covers all other indirect emissions in the organisation's value chain e.g. goods and services bought, business travel and employees’ commute.

Is there a difference between carbon neutral and net zero?

Two terms, in particular – ‘carbon neutral’ and ‘net-zero’– are often used interchangeably but represent very different approaches to combate climate change. With carbon neutrality emissions can be increasing, but as long as these are offset (by buying enough carbon credits or by supporting renewable-energy projects), you can remain carbon neutral.When ClimateClever uses the term Net Zero then we mean the Science Based Net Zero (following SBTi) and this differs quite a bit from carbon neutrality. Science-based net-zero requires companies to achieve deep decarbonization of 90-95% before 2050, meaning only 5-10% can be offset. That is one of the main differences with Carbon Neutrality where higher amounts of offsets are allowed. Additionally, Net Zero requires a greater coverage of Scope 3 emissions as well, where 90% is needed to be covered by the year made in the pledge.Net Zero is usually a much longer term goal than reaching carbon neutrality, but becoming carbon neutral is an important part of this journey.

How do I retain my carbon neutrality status?

To retain your carbon neutral status you would need to continue measuring, reducing and offsetting your emissions annually.

What is a baseline year?

Baseline year is the reference year you choose and compare all your reductions and targets against. Have to keep in mind that emission targets are very sensitive to the baseline year chosen (when the baseline year incurred abnormally high emissions then the reductions become too easy to achieve and vice versa), so please consider the choice carefully. SBTi Net Zero- The base year must be no earlier than 2015